Tuesday, December 9, 2008

more simple things-thanks

I am reminded today how thankful I am. I am thankful that my mom is alive. It is becoming more apparent how blessed we are to have her with us. One of her docs informed her that he hadn't had that surgery in 28 years! Mom gets her staples out tomorrow. I am so happy for her. 

I am thankful for old friends. Dave and I both have ran into old friends this month that we hadn't seen or heard from in ages. It has been a blessing and encouragement to know that people from our pasts are doing well. 

I am thankful that we can pay our bills. Sure, we have debt, but our bills are paid on time and I don't worry about having food to eat. Thank you Jesus!

I am thankful that we are able to sponsor a child in Africa. We received a letter from him today and it blessed my socks off! I can't wait to write him back and encourage him in his studies and his walk with God. 

I am thankful for the Holy Bible. Scriptures bring me joy, peace, and understanding.

I am thankful for old hyms. One came on the radio and I teared up right away. It was my Papa's favorite, and Dave's grandfather's. "And He walks with me and He talks with me and tells me I am his own..."

I am thankful for you! Thanks for reading my blog and being a part of my life.


Meghan said...

I am thankful for you, too!

Emily said...

I am so thankful for your friendship and to have you as a part of my life. Love you both, (Auntie Kara and Unc-y Dave)

Jacoline said...

and I am thankful for you. Sweet, honest, caring, funny, cute Kara!

I love reading your blogs and to know what's going on in your life. Even though there's a huge physical distance between us, reading your blogs make you come a bit closer... A big e-HUG for you from me!

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