Saturday, January 15, 2011

And Then There Were Four

We lost our baby chicken, Little Jerry last week. It looked like she just fell asleep. We think that she was egg bound. This is when an egg doesn't pass and can cause many complications. She didn't show any symptoms ahead of time. Poor girl. We will miss her.

The last photo I took of Little Jerry. She had gotten taller and her feathers had filled out a lot after this.

Her spots were lovely....

We decided to set her aflame. Don't judge. We didn't know if she had a disease or not and didn't want such a large bird buried after Jemima got carried off.  I really didn't want to deal with a bird being dug up. Dave prepared the fire.

We held watch until there was nothing left of her.

This is how I will remember you Little Jerry!!! I miss your funny little spiky feathers and your skittish ways!

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