Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rain, rain go away

It has been raining for a week now. Everything is water logged. My collards and beets are under water. Who knows if they'll survive. At least it is early enough to attempt another planting if they fail. My lettuce is beat up and puddles of standing water are providing riparian entertainment in the yard. Welcome Fall.

I know that I shouldn't complain about the rain. We need it. I know this. But a week straight makes the days dark and gloomy. It has made me get some house work done, like cleaning out the bedside table that collects everything! I also got out my fall decorations. I have plenty of pumpkins. I think that I need some more pilgrims. My salt and pepper family set from Publix looks a bit lonely. I am going to keep my eyes peeled for some vintage looking pilgrims or turkeys.

The rain has also brought my exercise to a halt. I had been walking with a friend and am planning on walking with another friend two days a week on a regular basis. Walking in the rain is no fun. I want to get out there and use my new shoes! I am hoping for a sunny day tomorrow so that I can walk and the yard can dry out a bit.

What have you been doing during all of this rain?


Emily said...

Well, since you asked, Owen and I opened up the garage and did a few painting projects. He even painted a pumpkin to set out come Tuesday. I plan on baking fall sugar cookies this evening and having a Mary Poppins popcorn and movie night.

Myrna said...

It's a good weekend for illness! Laying in bed is not so tortuous when it's raining cats and dogs outside. Before I fell ill, we dug our heels in around the house, caught up on laundry that hat piled up - that sort of thing. My kids and hubby are having a High School Musical marathon! I'm tired of the rain. We could all use a little sunshine.

Unknown said...

I have not done much at all today. I'm pretty miserable after hardly any sleep at all. Our power was out awhile today b/c of down trees. And I'm dealing with a nasty cold. But, at least the boys have been calm, I've got a good pork tenderloin in the crockpot with all the fixins, made my muffins for the week, read a bit, had some tea and David's been working on things around the house. All in all I'd say it's been a good day of rest after an exhausting week.

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