Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Heart Blogging

I know I have been a bit slack on the blogging front. I love blogging. I love to read my friends blogs. It keeps me connected to them. Even though we don't see each other except for every now and then, it seems as if we sit down regularly and catch up.

Maybe this isn't a good thing. It keeps me from making a greater effort to get out and to see my friends because I feel caught up on their lives. That is something that I have been working on this year. I have visited with good friends at least one evening a week this year. I have really enjoyed it. This week I have a couple of days off of work. I hope to be able to catch up with some more friends during this time face to face.

For those of you far away from here blogging is a great thing! We can keep up with each other pretty easily. And for you all I hope to take some time to blog these next few days. I have tons of pictures to go through and post, catch you up on the chickens, the wood stove, Lleulu, snow times and life. Don't worry. We'll be caught up with each other soon.

Until the next post, Happy Valentines Day! And, I do heart my husband more than blogging! I love you Dave. Thanks for giving me time to blog and encouraging me to do so.

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