Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Please Pray

Some dear friends that I worked with while I lived in Seattle are now living in Thailand. They recently were blessed with a little girl, Olive Hope. She arrived in this world two and a half months early. Rusty and Lynette and loving on her and praying for her. Many people around the world have joined together in prayer for little Olive Hope. Since I heard of her birth she hasn't left my heart or mind. Will you join me in praying for them?

You can check out their blog here.

I love these people and so does God.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Please take the time to read this article. I think that you will be surprised about what is going in our own communities.

Restaurant investigated for prostitution, smuggling |

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Something Worth Your Time

After our summer Bible study ended this year, my friends and I decided to start reading books with meaning and then get together to discuss them. The first book was my choice. A few people had told me that I should read Not For Sale. A group bread seemed fitting.

This book rocked my world and my heart. So many things are happening in the world around us that we have no idea about. Or, maybe we know about them but have no idea about what to do to change things. This book recounts some personal stories and shares ways that we can have an impact on the situations.

Please take the time the read this book. Once you pick it up, you won't be able to put it down.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Egg Anticipation

Saturday night while I was making pizza, I heard and awful loud and long clucking sound coming from the chicken coop. Of course I always expect the worst. I hurriedly washed my hands, put on my shoes and ran out in the rain to see what was the matter. Daisy, the beautiful blue(translate to gray) chicken was standing there clucking her brains out. Pickle came down to see what all of the fuss was about. I mean Daisy was squawking! Everyone within ear shot knew that there was a chicken in the vicinity. Lord, please don't let the neighbors report us!

She quieted down as I drew near. I think that she is going to lay an egg soon. That is my only explanation for her prolonged loudness. I looked around and didn't see an egg. Their first ones can be shellless, yes shellless, double yolked, oblong, tiny or huge. We are going to have to start checking regularly. Hopefully they start laying soon. I just hope that Daisy doesn't scream like that all of the time! I will keep you posted. Here is hoping for our first egg!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rain, rain go away

It has been raining for a week now. Everything is water logged. My collards and beets are under water. Who knows if they'll survive. At least it is early enough to attempt another planting if they fail. My lettuce is beat up and puddles of standing water are providing riparian entertainment in the yard. Welcome Fall.

I know that I shouldn't complain about the rain. We need it. I know this. But a week straight makes the days dark and gloomy. It has made me get some house work done, like cleaning out the bedside table that collects everything! I also got out my fall decorations. I have plenty of pumpkins. I think that I need some more pilgrims. My salt and pepper family set from Publix looks a bit lonely. I am going to keep my eyes peeled for some vintage looking pilgrims or turkeys.

The rain has also brought my exercise to a halt. I had been walking with a friend and am planning on walking with another friend two days a week on a regular basis. Walking in the rain is no fun. I want to get out there and use my new shoes! I am hoping for a sunny day tomorrow so that I can walk and the yard can dry out a bit.

What have you been doing during all of this rain?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Come Fall. Come

I have been tired lately. Work wipes me out. I have been trying to exercise regularly and keep us fed and clothed. Well, cleanly clothed. Two things put that off the last two weeks. First I fell in the garden. I went down like they do in cartoons- pretty much straight as a stick and almost on my face. My left arm saved me. Dave ran over horrified as I said, "My arm! My arm!" I got up, shook it off and finished planting the fall greens. It ended up that I pulled a ligament in my elbow. It is still sore sometimes, but mostly in the morning. Thank God for soft dirt to land on!

What else has kept me down? A nasty cold. Swine flu has been going around. I use hand sanitizer and wash my hands all of the time. I know that I was exposed because so many students at school are sick, but am pretty sure I only caught an upper respiratory infection. It is clearing up nicely with some elderberry and echinacea, plus some tlc.

On to better things.....

Fall comes soon. My favorite time of year. I love it. I love crisp evenings with the doors and windows open. I think that I relax a little bit. I love the pumpkins and leaves turning colors. I was born in October. We were married in October. My parents were married in October, too. It can't come soon enough.

Come Fall, come!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Yummy Bread

I made a delicious loaf of bread this weekend. I made the same potato bread recipe that I made before, but changed it a bit. The recipe is from Cooking Light. You can find it by clicking on the link. This time I made it with half white whole wheat flour and half plain. It worked out wonderfully!! I also use almost two thirds of the dough for the loaf and a bit over one third for the rolls. I like little rolls, and if you use half of your dough for nine rolls they are more like buns.

This is a really easy recipe and hard to mess up. I actually thought that I had, only for it to come out great! I hope that you try it soon. You won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lleulu's Baby

Meet Lleulu's baby. We call it Baby. It is dirty and grimy and Lleulu loves it. She carries it around the house and talks to it. This afternoon I came home to find Baby looking out the window. I couldn't help but to take a picture to share. This is the first time that I have seen Baby in the window. Note that her face is out, taking in the view.

Lleulu is also a bit OCD. One morning Dave turned my attention to Lleulu's toys on the floor.
Baby barely shows up on the blue tile. She lined up Baby and her bear. She attacks the bear when she needs to get out some energy. Today the bear got in a line up.

She showed them off proudly.

And pointed it out to me. She is so silly!!!

I have never seen a cat talk to her toys, line them up, or show them the view through the window. Lleulu certainly is special. We love her.
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